I READ in today’s papers Vinnie Jones’ rant about Britain no longer being the country he grew up in. It certainly isn’t.

When I was young the NHS worked [could it be because it was run by nursing staff and doctors not pen pushers, quangos, and American health companies].

The police and fire services ran efficiently and actually managed to save people’s lives without health and safety lunacy, and people were presumed innocent until proven guilty.

We didn’t have trial by the newspapers.

People entered politics to make a difference not to line their pockets and serve big business.

An altogether nicer world without big brother watching us all the time.

We didn’t have many material possessions but we had a better quality of life.

None of these things were anything to do with immigration or the EU.

Let’s turn back the clock get out of Europe and become masters of our own destinies make our country great again.

Although can we keep our Kindles smartphones and the internet as these have improved life considerably Ann Poyser Stockton Road, Newport