CLLR BOB BRIGHT’S comments on possible Newport Council budget cuts makes interesting reading. I am glad that he and other councillors are not Philistines.

However, this is hard to understand with the closure of the central library and museum on the table. The closure of more building focal points in the city centre will simply accelerate the lack of trade. To do so will be a backward step.

As a borough council, a hard battle was waged with the former Gwent County Council for the borough to take over running them. The council was successful and with great pride, made improvements to the service with the central library being the pinnacle. And now? The Handpost library was closed with two others already earmarked. To add the central library and museum is an insult. Cllr Bright refers to ‘vested interests’. I assume he means the citizens protesting against closure. They support Bob Trett, the former museum curator’s petition and are not prepared to simply accept the proposal.

Why is only one cabinet post being deleted? Why has the museum building not been regularly maintained? The idea of mobile museum displays and exhibitions is a joke.

With AMs in Cardiff due for a massive rise and still asking for more AMs, and Newport suggesting these closures, it appears that the politicians are way out of touch with ordinary folk.

Jim Dyer, Stockton Road, Newport