A NEIGHBOUR recently asked me if I thought that people who allowed their dogs to foul the pavement in front of the gates of their neighbours did it deliberately to achieve some perverse sense of enjoyment. My answer was that I do not know. Perhaps those who do allow it might consider this. A few days ago, I found a trail of dog excreta that ran for some six feet across my gates. I suffer from chronic heart disease and the effort involved in cleaning this up, including lifting the cover of the main drain to dispose of it, followed by a trip to my garden shed for some sand to sprinkle over the residue, resulted in an angina attack and I was quite poorly for some hours afterwards.
So, I make the appeal; before allowing your dog to foul someone’s gates, please remember that it might result in possible hospitalisation and, without being overly dramatic, something worse.
Tom McCarthy,
Gaer Park Parade,