WALES would be much better off outside the so-called United Kingdom. Following the May election, we are yet again governed by a government the Welsh people did not vote for. These people do not reflect the political views and traditions of Wales or the Welsh people. Our own elected government, the Senedd, should govern all Wales’ affairs both internal and external. No foreign government in London or any other place should meddle in the affairs of the  Welsh government. We simply do not need to spend millions of pounds sending overpaid MPs to sit in the Parliament of England. What do they do there that would not be better done in Cardiff Bay? The Welsh economy needs to be transformed; only the government of an independent Wales with vision and commitment  supported by a dedicated Welsh Civil Service will bring about the changes needed. We have brains and talent in this country which needs to be uncorked from its bottle. We need politics of hope in Wales; politics that engage the people and bring about reform and prosperity. We need to rise again – Free Wales!

Keith Parry,
Preswylfa Street,