ANDREW RT Davies AM (leader of the Welsh Conservatives) constantly attacks the Labour Party for its running of the NHS in Wales. His stance is hypocritical in that he is a member of a party whose government is hell bent on the dismantling and privatising of the NHS along neo-liberalist lines. (In preparation for TTIP) 
This is the primary intention of the Health and Social Care Act. In an article for the British Medical Journal, Further Privatisation is Inevitable Under the Proposed NHS Reforms, Dr Clive Peedell debunks the Tory government’s claim that privatisation cannot happen as long as “care remains free at the point of delivery.”
He cites the fact that non-government private companies are becoming increasingly involved in the financing and/or provision of healthcare. The intention is to privatise the NHS in England and to introduce and insurance based system as in the USA. Mr Davies should educate himself to the facts.

Terry Banfield
Cardigan Crescent