I HAVE tried to see devolution through Dame Rosemary Butler’s ‘Rose Tinted Glasses’ but attend a different optician.
Through my glasses I observe the ongoing fiasco of the Heads of the Valley Motorsport project.
Edwina taking legal advice, spending £2 million plus on ‘groundworks’, before discovering that we are expected to underwrite £357 million which is probably neither viable nor legal.
Carwyn Jones confirming despite a spend of £20 million consultation fees in the last 10 years and still awaiting an approved route, it is not feasible to start construction of an M4 replacement under a year.
Not good news for working commuters on the X3 Cardiff to Cwmbran daily caught in  five-mile tailbacks, missing their connecting bus which means the extra expense of a taxi or a long walk home. 
 Over 10 years, millions of pounds and hours of Senate time were spent increasing regulations regarding the Welsh language on every business located in Wales, despite the Assembly itself still conducting business in English. 
Still not all is gloom!
Instead of Port Talbot steelworkers watching the possible decommissioning of their blast furnace they, like myself, will be legally entitled to swimming lessons and other sports instructions in Welsh!
May I suggest we save ourselves a few more millions of squandered taxes this summer by sending the entire Senedd to face New Zealand and keep the Welsh Rugby team at home to run the country.

Joan Briggs 
New Inn