POST-REFERENDUM it is well to remember that the EU has pressured countries like Ireland, Poland and even Malta to abandon strict anti-abortion laws. As Gabriele Kuby notes in The Global Sexual Revolution: Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom, new members must introduce ‘gender equality’ and abortion as a pre-condition of entry, unaware that “the possible economic advantage” comes at a price of forced overthrow of their moral values and morals”. They must remove restrictions on sexual diversity, introduce ‘gender mainstreaming’ and, of course, abortion, as the price of admission to the progressive ‘club’. 
Remote and unelected EU institutions increase pressure on member states through a tangle of apparently discrete ‘grassroots’ human rights’ campaigns, all lavishly but unwittingly funded by EU citizens. This anti-democratic agenda, sheltering under the ‘human rights’ banner and disguised as an ‘anti-hate’ crusade, is delivered by full-time activists who demand they be exempt from their own strictures against purveying ‘hate’, as well as from normal standards of morality, while ‘homophobia’ and ‘transphobia’ must be criminalized. 
‘Gender’ politics is not about diversity – rather this weapon of choice for the far Left also serves the ends of unelected bureaucrats and political elite, who find cultural Marxism an excellent way of subduing the vast majority of peaceful Europeans. Abortion is an excellent way of curbing the possible outcomes of their old enemy, democracy. 

Norman Plaisted
Vivian Road