WITH reference to the pictures of swarming insects, whatever they may be, I asked a policeman and was given the number of Newport Council
I approached two safety wardens, same response. 
However I have to admit these particular safety wardens were the first on the street, in uniform employees of either Newport Council or Gwent Police who looked the part of community servants putting some effort into their appearance.
I phoned Newport Council, we don’t have a pest control department I was told. Did not the police or their own safety wardens know this? 
You have to contact a private company, even when there is on the public pavement, in a busy route to and from the shopping area a swarm of winged insects the identification of which was unsure.
It maybe that this particular threat was low, I don’t know.
What concerns me is how the councillors of Newport continue to delegate their responsibilities to the rate paying voters by farming out council departments originally put in place with rate payers’ money for the benefit of the same rate paying voters’ communities.
Can we presume that as more departments fall into private hands the staffing wage bill for the administration of Newport will fall?
As the pest control is “as when needed” that cost has been removed from our rates?
Of course with their diminished responsibilities our councillors will not expect any pay rises? May we go back to a time when they claimed expenses only?

Peter Walters 