THIS general election is going to have a new non-British entry in the field - not standing as candidates, but using the opportunity to make sure its grievances are heard.

The Australian Monarchist League, frustrated by the refusal of successive Labour and Conservative governments to recognise that Britain must put right an appalling wrong it had done to countries such as Australia when it dumped them to enable it to go into Europe, has decided to put thousands of dollars into a pro-action campaign. 

This campaign will target those British residents who are from the Queen’s Realms, together with their relatives and friends who would undoubtedly number in the millions – with many of them having a vote in the forthcoming election, calling for the political parties to commit to showing respect in government to Britain’s former Dominions by establishing a separate entry gate for non-British “Subjects of the Queen” on entry into the Kingdom.

The League is in the process of preparing a petition and is looking at establishing an extensive advertising budget.
We are sick and tired of this matter always being sent to the too hard basket and nothing ever being done. 

Philip Benwell MBE
AML Chairman
The Australian Monarchist League