NEWPORT County could be set to appoint either John Relish or Tim Harris in a director of football role, the Argus understands.

Chairman Chris Blight is keen to offer a board role to a football person' putting ex-County managers Relish and Harris firmly in the frame.

Blight also revealed he will meet with the entire playing staff this evening and will tell them that they are free to look for other clubs if they so wish.

Blight insists he will not be rushed into appointing the next manager or coach of the club after sacking Peter Beadle on Sunday, but is hopeful most of the current players will await developments before making any decision on their future.

The Argus understands that Harris and Relish are being targeted as the men to take on the role of director of football, making them a direct contact at board level for Beadle's successor.

Bath City boss Relish has already expressed his desire to reunite with the Exiles and Harris, also a former player and manager of the club today reveals he too is keen on a Spytty Park return.

Harris, is currently the manager of Gloucester City, steering them to sixth in the Southern League despite having a relatively small budget and losing their ground to flood damage at the start of the campaign.

With regard to a potential return to Newport he commented: "Newport County are extremely close to my heart, but I can't say what the future holds. What I can say is that nothing would please me more than to help the club get into the Conference and then back into the Football League."

Blight, who has revealed he's already talked to seven candidates to succeed Beadle, confirmed he would like to bring a football person' into the boardroom, but wouldn't confirm whether than person would be earmarked for a specific role.

"As a board we take advice from a varied audience and certain people have a far greater experience within the game than we do.

"The board is comprised of business people and if we had the opportunity to bring in a football person with management experience then clearly that would be a wise move.

"It is a good idea to have football people on the board, it is something we're looking into."

With regard to his impending meeting with the current playing staff, Blight confirmed that the board WILL NOT be offering new deals until they make managerial appointments.

"It is absolutely right that our players are entitled to speak to whomever they wish as they are all out of contract," he said.

"I am not going to be rushed into making an appointment and if people choose to leave then that is their prerogative and we will sign replacement players.

"Newport County is a magnet for players, several players have already called me and that is an eye-opener.

"But we have a lot of good players in the squad and I am sure our next manager will want to keep some of them."

On the subject of players leaving the club, Harris commented: "The grass is not always greener and I am sure the players who are committed to the club will sit tight for a while and see what the future holds."