ARIES (March21st-April20th)

Friendships will be a little strained as January gives way to February. Your focus will be on making money, which could keep you from spending as much quality time with loved ones as you should. A work opportunity involving a cultural or charitable organisation could arrive during the second half of the month.


TAURUS (April21st-May21st)

February has lots of career opportunities for you, but you must be flexible when considering them. Taking a job in an industry that has never appealed to you could be a blessing in disguise. You might find you have a hidden talent for this kind of work. The New Moon on the 11th could be the catalyst that forces the issue. Be open to exploring influences and ideas.


GEMINI (May22nd-June21st)

Legal matters could occupy most of your time and attention. There's a chance you'll be disappointed by an official decision. If you experience a setback, keep your chin up. The New Moon on the 11th will force you to go public with a secret. If you're unemployed, you could have a successful interview. A firm offer to work from home will arrive near the 27th, courtesy of the Full Moon.


CANCER (June22nd-July23rd)

Beware of mixing friendship and romance in early February. Although you may be irresistibly attracted to someone you've known for years, you aren't well suited as partners. On the 11th, a financial windfall will come your way, but it will have strings attached. Carefully consider whether you want to be connected to someone who will manage the dispersal of a group fund.


LEO (July24th-August23rd)

Striking a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives will be challenging at the beginning of February. Don't make the mistake of neglecting your loved one on the 11th, when the New Moon will compel you to refresh your commitment. If you don't, there's a good chance the relationship will end. Your allure will be heightened during the second half of the month.


VIRGO (August24th-September23rd)

Take good care of your health throughout the first half of the month. Practicing relaxation techniques can alleviate persistent aches and pains. Instead of over analysing problems, learn to release your anxiety. Cultivating contentment may be easier than you think, especially after the New Moon on the 11th. A dream job will be yours for the asking in late February.


LIBRA (September24th-October23rd)

Your love life could be a little chaotic throughout early February. If you've recently embarked on a romance, resist the urge to speed up the courtship process. It's best to let your relationship develop gradually. Do you already have a partner? Caring conversations can pave the way to passion; don't jump straight to physical gratification.


SCORPIO (October24th-November22nd)

Family interactions will be stressful at the beginning of February. It's possible several of your relatives won't approve of someone who has entered your life and seems to have a deep effect on your thoughts and feelings. By the time the New Moon rises on the 11th, you'll be ready to take a stand. If that means enacting a temporary separation from your kin, so be it.


SAGITTARIUS (November23rd-December21st)

A demanding schedule will exhaust you during the first two weeks of February. Take every opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries during this busy time. On the 11th, the New Moon will put you in contact with someone who seems to deliberately misunderstand you. No matter how many times you try to explain your intentions, they will attribute bad motives to you.


CAPRICORN (December22nd-January20th)

February's financial opportunities won't be what they appear. Resist the temptation to put all your eggs in one basket. The inspirational and energising New Moon on the 11th brings a potential packed patch for all financial matters, but you'll have to be creative and share your forward-thinking enthusiasm with others to build a team of like-minded go getters.


AQUARIUS (January21st-February19th)

At the beginning of the month, family will pull you one way while you attempt to move in quite another direction. Anyone who tries to make you feel guilty for pursuing a dream doesn't have your best interests at heart; they're acting from selfish motives. The New Moon on the 11th will give you the courage to break away from a stifling situation.


PISCES (February20th-March20th)

You might have to keep your thoughts to yourself at the beginning of February. Being entrusted with a big secret will make you worry about divulging sensitive information to the wrong person. It will be necessary to keep your thoughts organised and for most of the time, under wraps. The New Moon on the 11th will prompt you to undergo a spiritual journey.

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