WITH summer behind us and the dark nights starting to creep in, autumn brings with it many challenges for pets and their owners.

As well as cooler weather, autumn also sees the start of the fireworks season and Halloween, which can both prove to be stressful for many pets.

While the festivities may not be as raucous this year due to coronavirus, it will still be a stressful time.

It’s important to be aware of the seasonal dangers to your pets so you can all continue to enjoy time outdoors and the colourful scenery that autumn creates.

Korina Stephens, from nutravet, said: “During autumn, it’s important for pet owners to keep an eye on their four-legged friends for any changes in behaviour or health.

"Halloween and fireworks are a common stress trigger for many pets, and a common reason for owners to visit their vet.

"Planning ahead and preparing in advance can help to reduce any anxiety for your pets.

"Keeping Halloween treats away from pets and ensuring they don’t eat things they shouldn’t on walks is important to reduce the chance of poorly tummies at this time.”

These are the top tips for looking after your pets in the Autumn.

Fleas and ticks

As we start to turn the central heating on in our homes, this makes a more comfortable environment for pesky fleas.

Keeping up with your pet’s flea treatment will help to prevent any unwanted house guests at this time of year.

Ticks are also still prominent in autumn, so be sure to check your pets regularly for ticks, especially after dog walks.


These are commonly used as decorations throughout autumn and Halloween.

Although they are not poisonous, if consumed in large quantities, they could lead to your pet having a sensitive tummy.

If you use candles in your pumpkins, make sure these are out of reach from your pet and can’t be knocked over.


Fireworks season

Autumn marks the start of the fireworks season.

It can last from October to New Year and make this time of year very stressful for some pets and their owners.

To help reduce stress for your pet, make your pet a den to retreat to during the fireworks and close curtains and play music to help block out the noise.

Keep up with exercise

Although the weather may be cooler, it’s tempting to spend more time indoors with our four-legged friends but it’s important to keep up with your dog’s daily walks.

This will help to prevent any weight gain, as well as keeping their joints mobile and avoid stiffness.

As the weather changes, you could reduce the length of their walks.

Safety on walks

As the darker nights approach, if you are walking your dog early in the morning or late at night be sure to wear reflective clothing.

You could also use a reflective collar and coat for your dog, just in case they get lost.