THE number of fines issued for litter and fly-tipping offences in Newport has increased dramatically over the last year, figures reveal.

Cllr Roger Jeavons, Newport council’s cabinet member for city services and deputy leader, has credited new covert CCTV which has been placed at hotspots across the city for the rise.

In a written question to Cllr Jeavons, Lliswerry councillor Allan Morris asked: “What are the current plans to combat the unsightly and increasing levels of fly-tipping occurring in Lliswerry and Nash and what action is being taken to prevent it?”


In reply, Cllr Jeavons said litter and fly-tipping is created by “irresponsible individuals and the end result is a significant negative impact on our communities and a burden on council resources”.

“Over the last year, the council has invested in covert CCTV that has been placed at a number of hotspots,” he said.

“This has resulted in a 600 per cent increase in the number of fines issued. With a number of other prosecutions pending.”

Latest figures from Newport City Council show an even greater increase.

In 2019, the council issued seven fines, while in 2020 a total of 61 fines were handed out.

This equates to a rise of about 770 per cent.

A council spokeswoman said this “reflects the council’s commitment to cracking down on people who blight the environment”.

Meanwhile in response to a separate question from Cllr Ray Mogford, Cllr Jeavons said that a booking system for the tip in Docks Way is expected to remain in place “for the foreseeable future”.

Since re-opening on May 26 last year to March 31, there were 90,238 bookings made for the recycling centre through the booking system.

Cllr Jeavons said the system has helped support an improved recycling rate, reduced traffic congestion and enabled improvements to control unauthorised access to the site.

“Given the success of the system and the very positive response from the public, it is anticipated that it will remain in place for the foreseeable future,” Cllr Jeavons said.

“The new normal will adapt in line with changes to Covid guidance, as these evolve over time.”