A MALE Staffordshire Bull Terrier has been found has been found in Brynmawr.

If you have any information regarding this dog's owner, you can contact 01495 311556.


Stray dogs and found dogs

In the first instance stray dogs should be reported to your local council.

The RSPCA don't have enough resources to pick up healthy strays unless it's an emergency - but will pick up animals in danger, sick or injured.

Local authorities are required to provide dog warden services.

If you've found a healthy looking dog:

  • Report the stray dog to the council.
  • Ring local vets and rescue centres.
  • If it's safe, check whether the dog is wearing a tag, call the number and leave a message.
  • Ask local vets to scan them for a microchip.
  • Create a found poster and place around the local area.
  • Check listings and add details on missing pet websites, such as Pets Located.

If you decide to take the dog home while you wait for the warden to arrive, you should be aware that lost dogs may be scared and distressed. You can read the RSPCA's dog care advice and their behaviour guide to help keep the dog and your family happy and safe.

By law, you can't keep a stray dog. If you want to rehome the dog, you can leave your details with the warden.

Keeping your dog safe

By law, your dog should be microchipped. When in a public place, make sure they wear a collar and tag with your name and contact details. This will help you find your dog if they go missing.