A TEENAGER has honoured his best friend by taking on a brave challenge.

Finlay Williams, 15, from Cwmcarn, lost his best friend Dominic Boyland in January 2020 to liver disease. Finlay said that his friend was “more brave than I can ever imagine to be.”

South Wales Argus: Finlay and DominicFinlay and Dominic

Dominic died at the age of 12, leaving a big gap in his family and friends’ lives. Finlay’s mum Gemma Clark explained: “Dominic was such a lovely friend to have in Finlay’s circle and he was such a character.

“From when he was a little boy, I remember him being the most enthusiastic during school assemblies and concerts, making the audience smile. And although we knew Dominic had a liver condition, he always seemed well and happy, so losing him last year when he was just 12 and Finlay was 13, was a tremendous shock to all of us who knew him.”

Jodie James, mum of Dominic, said: “Knowing that Dominic had amazing friends like this warms our hearts – it’s wonderful to think he had the support and friendship he deserved.

“Finlay is a brave young man and we are so proud that Dominic had him as a best friend growing up.”


Finlay decided to pay tribute to his best friend – with a 700m zip wire – all while holding a cup of tea.

On Saturday, September 4, Finlay finally took on the challenge after lockdowns led to delays. He took the challenge on at Chepstow’s National Diving and Activity Centre, where he raised £624 for Children’s Liver Disease Foundation.

South Wales Argus: Finlay on the zip wire with his cup of teaFinlay on the zip wire with his cup of tea

“Dom loved his cup of tea, much to the amusement of all of his friends,” said Finlay. “So it seemed right that I should raise a cup to him while I was on the wire.

“I was a bit nervous beforehand, but I really enjoyed the experience and I think Dom would have found the whole thing funny.”

Jodie said: “We couldn’t have asked for a better tribute to Dominic. Finlay has done him so proud, and he would definitely be raising a cup of tea back.

“Thank you to Finlay and his family for raising money for an amazing cause close to our hearts, one which we shall never forget.”

Gemma added: “We’re so pleased that Finlay has finally been able to do something special in his memory and delighted that he can make such a donation to a charity which was important to Dominic’s family.”

Children’s Liver Disease Foundation chief executive, Alison Taylor, said: “We support young people and families affected by liver disease throughout the UK and it is always heartbreaking when a child dies.

“It’s incredibly touching that Finlay has done this for us in Dominic’s memory – what a unique and wonderful tribute to his friend. The funds raised will support other young people like Dominic and we are truly grateful for his efforts.”

You can donate to Finlay’s challenge here https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/finlay-williams10?utm_source=messenger

To find out more about the foundation and child liver disease, visit childliverdisease.org.