COLD weather is set to hit Gwent with temperatures predicted to plunge too below minus.

As winter starts to take hold of the UK it might be a good time to dust off the coat, gloves, scarf and maybe grab an extra blanket.

The Met Office is forecasting that temperatures will plummet, with ‘widespread frost’ to cover Gwent.

The cold snap is expected to start on Friday night, November 24 and although temperatures will be icy it is expected to stay dry on Friday and Saturday.

On Saturday morning temperatures in Newport and across Gwent will feel like minus two degrees.

Hour by hour forecast for Newport on Friday night through to Saturday morning:

  • 8pm: Temperature: Four degrees, feels like two degrees;
  • 9pm: Temperature: Four degrees, feels like two degrees;
  • 10pm: Temperature: Three degrees, feels like one degree;
  • 11pm: Temperature: Two degrees, feels like zero;
  • Midnight: Temperature: Two degrees, feels like zero;
  • 1am Temperature: One degree, feels like zero;
  • 2am: Temperature: One degree, feels like minus one;
  • 3am: Temperature: One degree, feels like minus one;
  • 4am: Temperature: Zero degrees, feels like minus two;
  • 5am: Temperature: Minus one degrees, feels like minus two;
  • 6am: Temperature: Minus one degrees, feels like minus two;
  • 7am: Temperature: Minus one degrees, feels like minus two;
  • 8am: Temperature: Zero degrees, feels like minus one;
  • 9am: Temperature: Two degrees, feels like zero.

On Saturday’s weather outlook a spokesperson for Met Office said: “A widespread frost through Saturday morning but staying largely dry with some sunshine at times.

“Frost returning overnight into Sunday but cloud and rain moving in from the west.”

Temperatures on Saturday are forecasted to peak at a mere six degrees.

Temperatures on Sunday are set to peak slightly higher at eight degrees, but rain will see out the weekend and continue into Monday morning.