A GANG wearing balaclavas shouted at their victim “where’s the gold?” during a terrifying burglary.

Kyle Fairfax, 36, Ben Fairbrass, 39, and Dane Collett, 39, raided a house on Mendalgief Road in the Pill area of Newport.

Paul Hewitt, prosecuting, said: “On January 13 last year, police were on patrol on Cardiff Road when a woman came up to them in a panic and told them her house was being robbed by men wearing balaclavas.

“Officers attended the property and found that the defendants had shouted at a man there: “Where’s the money? Where’s the safe? Where’s the gold?”

The defendants stole a wallet and some coins during the raid, Cardiff Crown Court was told.

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Fairbrass and Collett were arrested at the scene and Fairfax detained later after he escaped by climbing over a fence.

Fairfax, of Sickert Close, Newport, Fairbrass, of Aran Court, Thornhill, Cwmbran, and Collett, of Warwick Close, Greenmeadow, Cwmbran, pleaded guilty to burglary.

Fairfax has 13 convictions for 19 offences which include burglary, robbery, attempted robbery and possession of an offensive weapon.

Fairbrass has eight convictions for 22 offences and they include drug driving and possession of cannabis.

Collett has 13 previous convictions for 22 offences and these include possession with intent to supply a class A drug, resisting a constable, shoplifting and drug driving.

All three had spent time in custody while being held on remand for this burglary.

The judge, Recorder Greg Bull KC, told the defendants’ barristers that he intended to sentence their clients to community orders.

He believed they needed “structured help” for their “significant drug problems”.

Recorder Bull said that if he imposed prison sentences they would all be released soon because of the time served on remand.

Fairfax was sentenced to a 24-month community order and must complete a 15-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

Fairbrass was sentenced to a 24-month community order and must complete a 20-day rehabilitation activity requirement and comply with a 12-month drug rehabilitation requirement.

Collett was sentenced to a 24-month community order and must complete a 25-day rehabilitation activity requirement and comply with a 12-month drug rehabilitation requirement.