A NEWPORT pothole has seemingly been turned into a speed bump.

A deep pothole on Backhall Street, Caerleon, was recently repaired, however, now two yellow marker arrows have mysteriously appeared on the mound of tarmac resembling a speed bump.

Michela Enea who logged the pothole for repair questioned whether the arrows placed on the mound were done by a concerned local resident or by the council.

Mr Enea said: "Pothole sage continues. 

"Sadly, the ongoing saga over one of Caerleon’s most dangerous potholes continues.

"I logged this pothole for an urgent repair after ongoing feedback from local residents. Yes, admittedly, it’s not a great repair. Yes, it looks like a mound of tarmac. But I took the view it was somewhat safer than the deep pothole that was there before.

South Wales Argus: Pothole in Caerleon, Newport turned into speed bumpPothole in Caerleon, Newport turned into speed bump (Image: Michael Enea)

"However, it now seems that two yellow marker arrows have mysteriously appeared on the mound of tarmac to resemble the warning markings seen on a speed bump.

"Were these placed on the mound by a concerned local resident or by the council?"

The Conservative activist recently did a video called 'Top 10 potholes in Caerleon' which featured the deep pothole on Backhall Street.

Newport City Council told the Argus that they "filled the pothole but didn’t paint the arrows and someone else must have done that."