A CHIP shop worker was caught with a “vast amount” of cannabis and designer gear after a police raid.

Drug dealer Mohammad Saad was arrested at St Vincent's Court off Corporation Road in Newport last Christmas.

Prosecutor James Evans told Cardiff Crown Court: “There was a large quantity of designer clothing and we say this is a significant role case because the defendant clearly generated sufficient funds to purchase quite a large quantity of expensive clothing.”

The Lebanese-born Saad, 30, of Crawford Street, Newport pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply the class B drug.

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His barrister Sol Hartley said his client had turned to crime to pay off a drug debt he had built up.

Saad had 82 qualifying days against any immediate prison sentence.

He had been successful in a bail application in early January after he had been remanded into custody at Newport Magistrates’ Court and had been on tagged curfew since.

Judge Shomon Khan told Saad: “By your basis of plea you accept that you are operating a substantial drugs line for class B drugs of cannabis for profit.

“Vast amount of cannabis were found divided into deals.”

He said he would not be sending the defendant to prison because “there are strong prospects of rehabilitation”.

Saad was jailed for nine months, suspended for 18 months.

The defendant must carry out 160 hours of unpaid work and complete a 15-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He has to pay £200 towards prosecution costs as well as a £187 victim surcharge.