A POLICE officer was left with concussion after a thug drove his head into a concrete floor as he was being arrested.

Jude Clarke assaulted PC Gareth Murphy after he and colleagues were called to reports of a domestic disturbance in the Maesglas area of Newport.

As handcuffs were being placed on the “aggressive” defendant, PC Murphy, a fellow officer and Clarke fell to the ground as he resisted arrest.

Prosecutor Alex Orndal said at this point the 39-year-old got on top of his victim and drove his head into concrete on a garden path.

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PC Murphy was taken to hospital for treatment and has suffered a number of health problems as a result of the attack, including vertigo, sleeplessness and headaches.

Clarke, of Maesglas Crescent, Newport was convicted by a jury following a trial of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

He had denied the offence and claimed that the victim’s head injury was caused accidentally during the tussle.

The assault took place on June 4 last year.

Cardiff Crown Court heard how Clarke has 21 previous convictions for 32 offences.

These include robbery and battery.

Paul Hewitt representing him said the irony of the case was that his client was now reconciled with the partner the police had been called out to protect.

His barrister said Clarke had not sought to hurt PC Murphy and that his actions were “reckless rather than deliberate”.

Mr Hewitt urged the court to suspend the prison sentence.

Judge Carl Harrison told the defendant: “You were aggressive and confrontational from the outset.

“The police have a difficult job to do at the best of times.

“You made their job more difficult that day by your wholly unreasonable behaviour.

“The only reason the police were there was to check on the well-being of your partner and your children.

“An aggravating factor is the fact that this was an assault on an emergency worker, a police officer carrying out his function to protect the public.”

Clarke was jailed for 14 months.