A MAN had sex with a 14-year-old girl then bombarded her with messages pressuring her not to testify against him in court.

In April 2023, in Caerphilly, Luke Jones asked a girl for sex and when she said no he called her a p***y before having intercourse with her.

Jones then bribed the victim with vapes and clothes not to attend court and testify against him.

He did this with the help of his partner Shakira Pike, 21, who was convicted of attempting to pervert the course of justice.

It was a long and arduous process to get Jones to admit to his sick crimes, with him refusing to attend multiple court hearings. He eventually pleaded guilty to what he had done ahead of trial in April.

Jones has an extensive criminal record with 23 convictions for 53 offences including violence and burglary. He was last convicted in 2019 where he received an 18-month prison sentence for burglary.

Jones partner in crime, Pike was originally of clean character before her offence. She was described in court as of ‘low IQ’, ‘immature’ and someone who did not understand the impact of her actions on her victim. She was said to be terrified of going to prison.

In an impact statement read out on behalf of the victim, she could not understand why Jones did what he did to her, and knew he should not do it. She described herself as confused.

Her schooling was affected by the blackmail and pressure not to testify in court. She said she felt worthless and acted out because of this.

At a sentencing hearing at Newport Crown Court on May 24, Jones, whose address was given as HMP Parc Prison, Bridgend, was sent down for eight years by His Honour Judge Daniel Williams.

For two counts of sexual activity with a child, Jones got a combined five years, four months in jail.

For sexual communication with a child he got 10 months inside.

For one count of perverting the course of justice he got two years, eight months, and for another count of the same charge he got 16 months inside – these two charges run concurrent with each other and consecutively with the first two charges.

Jones was also placed under a sexual harm prevention order for 12 years and a restraining order for 12 years.

Pike, of First Avenue, Trecenydd, Caerphilly, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice in November. She got nine months detention.