WHEN you say the word ‘Copacabana’ it conjures up images of palm trees, sequin costumes, feathers, Latin music and Latin dancing. And that’s exactly what you get if you go along to Orbit Theatre’s latest production at the New Theatre in Cardiff.

There’s plenty of high quality dancing together with a superb sounding band that makes you want to get up on stage and join in. (My feet were tapping practically throughout the show.) The musical tells the story of Lola, she was a showgirl…So begins the saga of Lola and Tony . It’s a tale of love and romance with original songs created by Barry Manilow.

(The actual Copacabana nightclub was located in New York City and its’ where Dean Martin and Gerry Lewis played their last performance on July 25th, 1956. Its also the place where the Supremes made their debut in 1965.) Inspired by one of Barry Manilow's most famous songs, Copacabana, Lola La Mar, a young girl with stars in her eyes, travels to New York with the dream of breaking into show business.. There she finds love with Tony Forte an aspiring songwriter who helps her to become a Copa Girl at the hottest nightspot in town - the Copacabana. When rival nightclub owner Rico spots Lola, he kidnaps her and takes her to his Tropicana club in Havana. Desperate to rescue his new love, Tony heads for Cuba… Both lead characters (played by Nia Collier and Steve Coleman) provided just the right amount of romance and the camaraderie amongst the chorus was plain to see. There were a few comedic moments during the productions where the timings were spot on and the rope swing moment brought the house down.

I would like to make a special mention of certain cast members.

Chelsea Taylor Day plays a convincing Latin Conchita Alvarez with a well sustained accent throughout (despite having practically lost her voice due to illness) and was a prime example of ‘the show must go on!’ Dastardly Dan Parker plays the villain of the piece named Enrico Castelli and is totally believable as a hard core mafia-style criminal.

The comedy skill of Phil Bond must also be applauded.. He plays Sam Silver the owner of the Copacabana club with real aplomb and just enough slapstick.

Applause to the army of backstage helpers who must have been kept busy all night due to the enormous amount of costume changes.

There were several technical hitches on opening night as regards lighting and sound but I am sure they will be ironed out as the week progresses.

The dazzling costumes, and cleverly choreographed dance routines all add up to an evening of entertainment that will leave you wanting for more. The show runs until Sat 29th October with two matinees.