IT WILL be Shaw Jones from Garndiffaith’s seventh marathon on Sunday, but by far his toughest, as he embarks on the London Marathon in memory of his dad.

Mr Jones, 28, has already raised £1,800 for his chosen charity, Gwent’s St Anne’s Hospice, but this particular marathon challenge will have that added personal edge.

Mr Jones’ father, Keith ‘Beefy’ Jones, died of cancer in January.

Mr Jones senior had been a huge figure in local rugby, coaching Talywain, Garndiffaith and Pontypool United and was described by friends as “a legend” in the area.

It will be that larger-than-life man, the heart and soul of the post-match sing-song and the fiercely proud leader of men, who will be in Mr Jones’ thoughts throughout the 26.2 mile run from Greenwich Park to the Mall.

And his family want him to know he will have their full support at the weekend.

“He has gone about it all very quietly and we just wanted to let him know how proud all his family and friends are,” said girlfriend Rachel Walters.

“He’s an experienced runner and runs a lot with Pontypool Running Club, but it is going to be tough with his dad.

“He will have his dad on the front of his vest and we will all be there to cheer him on. We all just wish him the best of luck and are very proud of him. “Despite the bombings at the Boston Marathon on Monday and the potential impact that will have on the London Marathon, Mr Jones and his family have not been deterred and he will still be lining up with his fellowracers on Sunday with his family in the crowd to support him.

On Tuesday, officials reported security for the London Marathon would be reviewed, after three people died and more than 170 were injured near the finish of the race in America. If you would like to sponsor Mr Jones visit