A COMMITTEE of Monmouthshire council is desperately trying to stir up interest from members of the public but failing, a councillor says.

The Lower Wye area committee is struggling to attract a single member of the public to some of its meetings, says David Dovey, who represents the town and county council for St Kingsmark ward, Chepstow.

He told Chepstow town council: “Taking the council to this area is patently a disaster.

The fact of the matter is if you don’t use it you lose it. We would welcome attendance from members (town council) and your ideas how we can drum up more support.”

Over the past year, members of the Lower Wye committee, chaired by Thornwell councillor Armand Watts, have discussed important issues like no toilets at Chepstow bus station, Caldicot and Wentlooge Levels Internal Drainage Board, Chepstow food bank and Flying Start programmes.

Meetings have been held across the area to try and entice the public in, at different times throughout the day.

But Cllr Dovey said: “We are at a loss to know what to do.”

Cllr Watts said he has tried to put matters on the agenda which interest the public, like benefit changes and the bedroom tax.

He said: “We have had day meetings, evening meetings, at places like Bulwark Community Centre and Tintern Old Station. We are taking the meetings to the public. The problem is, I think, is we need to advertise them better.”