THERE are around 350,000 carers in Wales – that’s more than one in ten people who are looking after an ill, frail or disabled loved one.

I’ve met many constituents across Newport East caring for a friend or family member, and know there are many issues and challenges involved.

Last week was Carers Week, a UK-wide awareness campaign to improve the lives of carers and the people they care for.

The theme this year was ‘prepare to care?’, trying to increase people’s knowledge of the impact caring for someone can have, and asking how many of us would be ready to be a carer, or know what support is available.

It’s a great campaign, organised by several national charities, and I’d encourage everyone to have a look at The website has advice and support for carers. If you can’t access it but need support, Carers Wales have an advice line on 0808 808 7777.

● Another campaign week, taking place right now, is Bike Week.

It’s another fantastic national campaign, and something I’m very keen to promote.

Bike Week encourages people to cycle, showing that it’s a lot easier than many people think and better for our health and the environment than always relying on the car.

You don’t have to be lycra-clad or super-fit to be a cyclist.

Whether riding for fun, or to get to work or the shops, or seeing friends, people of all ages can ride a bike.

As a minister in the Welsh Government I’m bringing forward an Active Travel Bill, which aims to make walking and cycling safer and easier.

Campaigns like Bike Week help more and more people get on a bike, and I hope many Argus readers will give it a go this summer.

● Finally, I want to mention a great sports facility I visited in Newport recently.

The Newport Gymnastics Academy has just opened its new premises at Queensway Meadows this year, and is impressive.

They’re open to people of all abilities taking part recreationally, though they’ve also had considerable success with their competitive gymnasts.

Participation in gymnastics has been rising in recent years, becoming even more popular with the success of British gymnasts at the Olympics last year.

The Academy’s open to people from the age of four upward.

There’s a contact form on their website for anyone who wants to find out more: cityofnewportgymnasticacademy.