A GROUP of travellers who set up camp inside a hospital car park left the site this afternoon.

The French travellers had taken up around 65 spaces at the Royal Gwent Hospital car park off Mendalgief Road in Newport.

Aneurin Bevan health board issued letters to the travellers warning them legal proceedings would be initiated if they did not leave the site by 4pm yesterday.

The travellers from Strasbourg arrived at the car park on Saturday and told the Argus they were on holiday in Wales.

A health board spokesman said: “Aneurin Bevan Health Board can confirm that the travellers who were occupying our car park at the Royal Gwent Hospital have now left the site.

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff and patients of the hospital for their continued patience during this time.

“We would like to particularly thank our facilities staff and security personnel who have managed the site for us over recent days.”