A MAN who was allegedly forced to work on a horse breeding farm for 13 years was given four of the animals as presents from his boss, a court has heard.

Father and son Daniel Doran Sr, 67, and David Daniel Doran Jr, 42, are accused of forcing Darrell Simester, 44, to look after their horses at Cariad Farm, which they both deny.

Mr Simester told Cardiff Crown Court yesterday morning: "I was afraid of Big Dan. He was massive and tall. He was just scary."

Kevin Molloy, defending Doran senior, read out a transcript of a police interview.

The court heard Mr Simester told a journalist from the Sun that the Dorans had never prevented him from leaving the farm.

He told the reporter: "They said I could go down the pub if I wanted but I just didn't want to."

Mr Molloy said that Mr Simester's family may have suggested that he must have been afraid to leave the farm, which is why they had not seen him for many years, and that Mr Simester was trying to please them by saying he was afraid to leave the farm.

He said: "But the truth is you could have left whenever you wanted to."

Mr Simester agreed he could have left, and that Big Dan had not forced him to stay.

Mr Molloy added: "He did not force you to work either."

Mr Simester said: "He did force me to work. He made me clean and feed the horses every day."

Mr Molloy asked if Big Dan had ever threatened Mr Simester or put pressure on him to make him work, to which he replied 'no'.

The complainant was then cross examined by Doran junior's barrister, Nicholas Barraclough.

Mr Simester told the court 'Young Dan' bought him alcohol, tobacco and a daily newspaper and gave him his old clothes to wear.

He said Young Dan took him to Asda and would buy his food.

Mr Barraclough, defending said: "Did you ever spend your own money?"

Mr Simester replied: "I didn't have any money at that time."

The barrister said: "Were you paid £40 a day?"

Mr Simester said no.

He told the court after his family found him and took him away from the farm: "I was glad to get out of it."

He also told the court on one occasion Young Dan threw a foot-long piece of wood at his head, after he made and mistake and said "blood was pouring out".

Mr Simester told the court he was given four horses from Young Dan 'as like a Christmas present'

Mr Barraclough asked him: "Have you talked about getting money from this court case?"

Mr Simester said yes, and said the Sun reporter had given him and his family "about five grand" for his story.
