OLDER people’s charity, the Royal Voluntary Service (RVS) is recruiting volunteers as part of a project to help older people living in care homes across Gwent.

The charity received a four year grant from the Big Lottery’s Community Voice programme to set up a project called “Care to Listen... Listen to Care” which aims to give older people living in residential care the opportunity to influence decisions that affect them.

The RVS has been holding tea parties across Gwent to allow potential volunteers to speak to residents to find out about the services the charity provides.

Nina Finnigan, residential care service manager has helped set up the tea parties including Bridge House care home in Ebbw Vale.

She said: “It went really well, care providers and volunteers from the charity were able to talk with residents and their families about their lives to listen to their needs.”

The service is run in partnership with the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board and NHS Retirement Fellowship’s Care Home Ask and Talk volunteer service, Gwent Association of Voluntary Organisations and residential care providers across the county.

Mrs Finnigan said: “Our service is all about dignity, choice and quality of life. We want to make it known that some older people can enjoy being in care homes.

"Our current volunteers are fantastic and we just want to encourage more people to do help.”