EDWINA Hart has released a statement, 'Update on the Blue Badge Scheme'.

She says she has considered how the scheme operates and made a number of changes as a result of amendments to the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014.

"Eligibility for a Blue Badge was previously extended to include people who have cognitive impairments and receive Personal Independence Payment (PIP) at the highest level for the mobility activity ‘Planning and Following a Journey’," she said. "The revised regulations, which will become effective on 15 December, 2014, will include people who would receive PIP at that level but are not of working age and therefore unable to apply for PIP.

"These changes reflect our policy to extend eligibility, where justified and while balancing the interests of existing Blue Badge holders."

She said her aim was for all applicants of a Blue Badge to be treated fairly and consistently regardless of which local authority area they live in.

"Further steps that will support this drive for fairness and consistency includes the publication of new supporting guidance for local authorities on the administration of the scheme," she added.

"This will complement the Toolkit which has been provided to local authorities to assist them when processing applications. 

"While these steps will support greater consistency, it is clear that issues remain with implementation.  I have therefore asked my officials to conduct a rapid review of current delivery of the scheme, informed by practice in other parts of the UK.  I will provide an update on the outcome of this work and next steps in the new year."