PUPILS at Langstone Primary School have been recognised for their efforts in practising mindfulness as part of a new school initiative.

The year five and six pupils are the first in the Gwent area to complete the primary programme called Paws b, a mindfulness programme created in Wales for primary pupils.

On March 6 pupils were presented with certificates by MP Jessica Morden, who talked to the children about their experiences. Ms Morden is one of the 100 MPs who have done the adult Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) course.

Elizabeth Williams, a mindfulness teacher, said: “Pupils have loved doing the programme and it’s been really interesting to see how much even 10-11-year-olds worry and experience stress.

“It’s great to have a programme which helps them deal better with these situations, and helps their learning as well.”

Mindfulness is a form of meditation which is all about learning to direct our attention to our experiences as they unfold, reducing stress and anxiety.

Rather than worrying about what has happened or might happen, it trains people to respond skilfully to whatever is happening right now, be that good or bad.

Techniques include using finger counting and breathing to help manage situations.