A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ST MARY'S CHURCH: St Mary's Church, in Malpas, is encouraging people to step inside its doors for any of its special services on Sunday, March 25,or Wednesday, March 28. The church is earmarking these days as Back to Church Sunday and Back to Church Wednesday, and is issuing a special invitation to come along to anyone who hasn't been to church before or hasn't been in a while.

St Mary's has a reputation for being a welcoming church and has introduced many people to Christianity through its popular Alpha courses.

Rev David Parfitt, vicar of St Mary's, Malpas, said: "It's always great to welcome new people to St Mary's. We've decided to make 25th and 28th March special days of invitation because we realise that coming to church for the first time or coming back after a break can seem a bit daunting. We want to make this first step as easy as possible.

"Many people joining us at these services will not have been to church before so we will be taking extra care to guide them through and help them feel at home.

"Our message to anyone who is curious about Christianity, and the changes that faith can make in people's lives, is come and see. We'd be delighted to have you with us."

All the services will be followed by refreshments and the opportunity to chat with members of the church. Children are particularly welcome to join in with Sunday school activities in the church hall at 9.45 am and the informal service at 11.30 am.

Nicola Dance started going to St Mary's after attending the Alpha course last year.

She said: "I'd been wondering about church and whether it was for me for quite some time before I finally decided to give it a try. Now I'm glad I did, it's been great. The vicars have been very supportive and it's a really friendly church."

Times of services at St Mary's are: Sunday 8.00 am: Communion Service 9.45 am: Communion Service and Sunday School 11.30 am: informal Time for Praise 6.30 pm: Evening Worship Wednesday 10.00 am Communion Service or further information contact Rev David Parfitt Tel 01633 852047 Nicola Dance 422093