The Gaer Luncheon has been awarded a grant from Newport Local Health Board for transport to and from the Community Centre for residents with mobility problems.

Yvonne, the ever industrious community support worker, is delighted with the grant and says that it will make all the difference to the Luncheon Club membership.

Angharad, our community sports worker, tells me that the Gaer Youth played dodge ball against Pill. The result was a draw. This is the first time that I have heard of this new (to me) sport. It would appear that the object is to dodge balls thrown at your team and vice versa. Sounds highly dangerous to me but, then, anything involving balls being thrown, bowled or, indeed, fired at me, always has the same result. I refuse to play.

The Gaer AFC is setting up a girls' football team for those in years 3, 4 and 5. Training will commence on Thursday, April 5, from 10.30am-12.30pm.

The over-50s dance class is continuing on Wednesdays between 10.30am-11.30am. In addition there is to be an aerobics class running from April 17, between 6pm-7pm.

GAER PRIMARY SCHOOL BEATLES EXTRAVAGANZA: Just when I thought that the school could not possibly put on a better show they promptly do it again.

This time it was a nostalgic (for the adults) look back at the Beatles era. The children were as usual at their enthusiastic best with song after song.

The dance routines were a delight as was the backcloth on the stage. The head teacher and her staff deserved and got much applause from the parents and friends present. Well done, you Gaer primaries.

DIGITAL CAMERA TASTER SESSIONS: Having attended both sessions where I learned a lot about digital cameras I would be delighted to attend the courses proper.

However, circumstances have intervened and I am booked up for another venue.

Anyone interested in the subject, and with the time to spare, should give the course a try. I am certain that they will not only learn much but will have a thoroughly good time in the doing.