PILL MILL FILM CLUB: Pill Mill Film Club has started a project called Pill Carnival And Film Making. Would you like to be involved with documenting the Pill carnival on video for future generations to see?

We can train you to use a video camera, sound and editing equipment to produce a professional and enjoyable documentary film. If you are interested please contact Mandy on 07967750498 or e-mail: pillmill_filmclub@yahoo.co.uk or drop into the Communities First office at Pill Library, Tuesday mornings.

YOUTH WORKER AND VOLUNTEERS: Communities First have been awarded funding for a youth worker who will hopefully be in post in the next two months. Also, local resident Sian Power, is now working in the Communities First office as a volunteer. Anyone wishing to volunteer in any aspect of Communities First projects, please feel free to pop into the office in Pill library.

CONSTRUCTION TRAINING: Most of the trainees who attended the project in conjunction with Carillion Training have successfully gained apprenticeships with local companies. Well done to Junior Healey, Brian James, Kris Abdie and Neil McCloughlin.

IT COURSES: There will soon be an IT course running in Pill for residents. Contact Mike on 01633 671823, or call into the Communities First office, Pill library.