A MONMOUTH Primary can extend its unit for pupils with special needs to create more space for teaching and essential equipment.

Overmonnow Primary on Rockfield Road asked Monmouthshire council’s planning officers if it could extend two areas within the school’s special educational needs unit, which has now been granted permission.

The plan includes a single-storey extension to extend two classroom areas and an existing external covered area.

The school was purpose-built to partly accommodate a facility to assist 20 pupils with moderate learning difficulties.

The unit now accommodates 20 pupils covered by three classes, and cater for pupils with autism, severe learning difficulties and complex needs. Currently, there are 18 pupils with 13 staff.

Approving the plans means that storage space for equipment, which is limited, can be increased to accommodate items such as walkers and standard frames and wheelchairs and free up space within the existing teaching zones.

The school says the additional areas will provide an enhanced teaching and learning experience and accommodate wheelchair users who will have direct access to the playground area from the extended classrooms.

Direct access will also help develop pupils’ independence, self help skills, confidence and self esteem and the extra space will provide space and calm for those with complex needs to learn.

Creating extended covered areas will enable pupils who need to time to go into the open out in all weathers. The improvements will also provide better direct access for wheelchair users onto the playground and help reduce the need for numerous transfers.

David Watson, the agent acting on behalf of the school, said: “It will greatly improve the day to day running of the unit, and long term benefits for staff and pupils as well as the local community.”

Work is expected to take place over the summer holidays.