RAGLAN primary pupils said farewell to their old school building earlier today as demolition work began at the site.

Contractors started the process of knocking down the school's building which has been in place since 1968. They estimate the building will be completely demolished in the next two weeks.

Raglan VC Primary held a ceremony for past and current pupils to say their goodbyes to the building last month in which the children had the opportunity to write their names on the windows and walls. Pupils from September will be taught in the new £4.5 million 21st Century school which is on the same site as the existing building.

Jeremy Piper, head teacher, said: "It's a mix of feelings of sadness with excitement. This has been on the cards for the past 20 years.

"It has been a long time coming for the community and for the school."

The current school will make way for a car park to be used by staff and the community. The 21st century schools programme is jointly funded between the Welsh Government and Monmouthshire council.

Mr Piper said the pupils at the school have been heavily involved in the planning process including the eco and school councils. He said they have worked hard to achieve their Eco-schools platinum flag award last week.

He said the majority of the material from the old building is to be recycled and re-used.

The new school will include plazas, large open space classrooms, which will include two year groups of 60 children. The new building will also include a digital art studio and a music studio for the 210 pupils to use.

Colwyn Knight, a school governor, said: "I think it is sad to see the old building going but at the same time its progress.

"We are really pleased to get the new school."

The new school building will be officially opened on September 4.