EBBW Vale has become Wales' housing boom town - with prices increasing by a staggering 32 per cent in one year.

While in all other parts of Gwent house prices are rising in single figures, the valleys town is experiencing a phenomenal hike.

For house-holders already living in the valleys town this will be welcome news and proof of the knock-on effect of the recent boom along the M4 corridor.

We hope it is a sign that people are once again populating the valleys areas and reinvigorating towns that have been down on their luck for many years.

But the downside is that it is getting harder and harder for young people to get a foot on the housing ladder.

While nobody has a right to just walk into a house, the need for saving and behaving responsibly is part and parcel of growing up.

But with house price increases of such magnitude the chances of saving a deposit for such expensive homes will diminish.

Price rises in the region of 32 per cent a year will leave many simply unable to even think about being able to make the move.

And more and more parents will face having to help their offspring to set up new homes.