Jeff Green, Geoff Waggett, Peter Watkins and Richard Patching are offering themselves as Welsh Assembly candidates in the South Wales East Region.

We ask you to vote for us and the Welsh Christian Party on your second ballot paper of regional list candidates.

We are conscious that many electors are sick and tired of compromised family values, political correctness and discredited politicians.

We believe that nothing should be done out of selfish ambition or vain conceit but in humility we should consider those we serve more important than ourselves. Everyone who offers themselves for election should put the interests of the electorate before their own interests.

We want to see a Welsh Assembly governing with less petty complaining and needless party political point scoring and argument and more sensible discussion and consensus decision making which would benefit the whole population.

In particular, our education system should seek to train children in the way they should go, to draw out and encourage each person's God given gifts for their personal benefit and the benefit of the nation.

Let us have an end to the rising tide of humanist secular fundamentalism that has done so much to undermine parental discipline, schooling and the false promotion of a culture of selfish pleasure.

We desire to re-establish a work ethic that values everyone in employment and puts people before profits with a proper sharing of created wealth rather than the present fat-cat selfishness.

We would promote not only the necessary overhaul of the health care system but seek to ask fundamental questions as to why in Wales we have some of the highest infant mortality rates, stress levels, long term illnesses, abortion rates and teenage pregnancies in Western Europe.

We would encourage and value the place of motherhood and proper parental care. We would promote parental rights and give greater support to those fighting alcohol and drug addiction and we would seek to assist those families undermined and broken by such problems.

We will put the traditional Christian values of integrity, truth and justice back into politics. We desire to see this great land of Wales given back to the Lordship of Christ. Please vote for the Welsh Christian Party on 3rd May.