NATURAL resources minister Carl Sargeant visited Risca last week following the announcement of a multi million investment of money for flood defences.

Caerphilly Borough County Council and Natural Resources Wales have collaborated on the project, which will aim to alleviate extreme flooding events in the lower Risca basin.

On Thursday minister Carl Sargeant AM visited the site and met with assembly candidate Rhianon Passmore.

Flood alleviation work is due to start this month and will end late in 2016.

Mr Sargeant, said: "I am delighted that homes in Risca will be among the 3,800 properties across Wales which will see their flood risk significantly reduced through schemes being completed this autumn and winter.

"This is just the latest instalment of our £240 million investment in protecting people from the risks of flooding and coastal erosion.”

Labour candidate Ms Passmore walked the site with the minister.

She said: "A real risk of flooding as well as affording house insurance are real issues of concern for local residents. This important initiative will greatly assist in the fight against rising water levels in the future and I am delighted to welcome such a needed scheme."

"We are both delighted that this £3.6 million scheme has been funded jointly and constructed through effective partnership working.

"Welsh Government, Natural Resources Wales and European funding were brought together and match funded by Caerphilly Council.

"I am thrilled that working together we have outlined the case and local need for this necessary investment. It will strengthen and protect hundreds of houses from the extreme flooding events that local people remember only to well. "