WORK to replace two busy Newport road bridges is continuing as the first glimpse of the new bridge at Somerton is revealed.

Network Rail are replacing two bridges as part of electrification of the railway line – Somerton and Cardiff Road. The bridges need to be replaced as they are too low for the large wires over the trains which is a necessary part of the scheme.

Workers were on both sites site day and night from Christmas Eve through to Sunday December 27, to demolish the bridges.

At Somerton, the new frames have been installed and workers will now be on site during Saturday night shifts this month to put the new deck in.

Because of high winds, plans to put in the new bridge’s deck at Cardiff Road had to be postponed but the work is set to be carried out this weekend and during Saturday night shifts this month.

A spokeswoman from Network Rail said: “Throughout February and the spring months we will remain on site to undertake the highway works (pouring all the concrete over the new bridge and along the length of the road to ‘tie’ it in), building the bridge parapets (side walls) and rediverting the services back into the bridge.”

Somerton Road will stay closed until Spring while Cardiff Road will have one lane traffic until Spring.