Everywhere someone is digging a hole or putting up a tenement block in the middle of nowhere.

They try to block the road whenever they can but we just ignore them.

Only 4 major problems today: 1 - Martin knocked over someones mountain bike and when he tried to say sorry he said something else which greatly annoyed the man.

2 - Martin broke a spoke in his back wheel. We got it fixed but lost an hour and a half hanging around in a bike shop.

3 - There were no hotels wth vacancies where we wanted to stop and we had to bike 5km up a mountain in driving rain to find somewhere to stay (Alcanadre).

4 - There are no restaurants in Alcanadre and just one bar so there's nothing to eat till breakfast time! Still no need to wate time eating.

In spite of all this we have clocked up over 70 miles and we are now within striking distance of Zaragoza.