A STUDENT is running her first marathon to raise money for charity and to increase awareness of type 1 diabetes.

Chloe Peel, of Chepstow, is aiming to raise awareness about the lifelong condition, which has affected her father since childhood, by running the London Marathon on April 23 for Diabetes UK.

The 21-year-old, who is studying dentistry at Plymouth University, said: “Growing up with a father who has type 1 diabetes has really given me an understanding of how serious the condition is and how misunderstood it can be.

“A lot of people think that it has something to do with being overweight or unhealthy lifestyle choices, which isn’t true.”

She added: “That’s why I decided to sign up to run the London Marathon for Diabetes UK, to help raise awareness and support people living with type 1 diabetes. Before signing up I had done a few half marathons but this will be my first full marathon. 

“My boyfriend has been a major motivator for me, cycling or running alongside me, carrying my drinks and pushing me to keep going.”
In preparation Miss Peel has been training since Christmas by running three times a week, reaching 20 miles on her longest run so far.

She added: “Training has certainly been a challenge but nothing beats that sense of achievement when you get back from a run. When I run I can forget about everything else that may be going on in my life and clear my head.

“I love the feeling when you get back from a run and that’s what makes me want to go out again and push myself even more.”

After completing the London Marathon Miss Peel plans to take on another challenge, cycling 100 miles as part of the Prudential RideLondon event in July.

Diabetes UK Cymru’s fundraising manager Joseph Cuff said: “The London Marathon is an amazing event and we’re so grateful to have Chloe taking part to raise funds and vital awareness of type 1 diabetes. Chloe’s experience of the condition just goes to show how important it is that people have the right information about type 1 diabetes. 

“I’m sure her family are very proud of her taking on such a big challenge and we’re incredibly grateful.

“Every penny raised will help us to support the 3.6 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK so please give generously to back and support Chloe in her amazing effort.”

To donate visit justgiving.com/fundraising/Chloe-Peel. For more visit diabetes.org.uk or call 0345 123 2399.