HOMELESSNESS in Wales is set to rise according to the national charity for homeless people.

Expert analysis conducted for Crisis by Heriot-Watt University found that 5,100 households across Wales are experiencing the worst forms of homelessness, with numbers in Wales set to rise by a third in the next five years.

The report estimates that at any one time around 300 people slept rough in 2016, 3,100 households were sofa surfing and 200 households were living in unsuitable temporary accommodation.

They also found that 900 households were living in hostels and 600 households were living in other circumstances, including squats, women’s refuges, winter night shelters, sleeping in tents, cars or public transport.

The report warns that if current policies remain unchanged, the most acute forms of homelessness are likely to continue rising, with sofa surfing in Wales expected to rise by nearly half in the next five years and households in unsuitable temporary accommodation set to double.

The charity is asking the public to be part of its Everybody In campaign which is aimed at ending the worst forms of homelessness.

Jon Sparkes, chief executive of the charity, said: “This year Crisis marks its 50th anniversary, but that’s little cause for celebration. We still exist because homelessness still exists, and today’s report makes it only too clear that unless we take action as a society, the problem is only going to get worse with every year that passes. That means more people sleeping on our streets, in doorways or bus shelters, on the sofas of friends or family, or getting by in hostels and B&Bs. In order to tackle this, it’s crucial we first understand the scale of the problem.

“Regardless of what happens in people’s lives, whatever difficulties they face or choices they make, no one should have to face homelessness. With the right support at the right time, it doesn’t need to be inevitable. There are solutions, and we’re determined to find them and make them a reality."

Crisis will also be working towards a national plan to end the worst forms of homelessness. Find our more about Everybody In visit crisis.org.uk/get-involved/everybody-in