A MINI police force was out on patrol yesterday as part of an action day.

The Pill Action Day was held at the Pillgwenlly Millennium Centre and included information about crime prevention and highlighted the work taking place in the area.

The Mini Police are children aged between nine and 11-year-olds from three local schools.

As part of the day the pupils from Pillgwenlly school took part in patrolling the streets with the neighbourhood team and Community Support Officers, handing out flyers and meeting people from around the area.

Sergeant Hannah Lawton said: "It was a great day to showcase the changes that are taking place in Pill, with the help of our brilliant Mini Police we have been out and about in the community offering crime prevention information and advice in the run up to the festive season.

“Our teams have worked extremely hard since January to listen to residents and improve their trust in the police.

"We realise that it is only by working closely with the community and our partner agencies that we can achieve a better future for Pill; we are extremely grateful to the community of Pill for their continual commitment and support."