THE First Responders' group in Usk are appealing for new members.

The group was one of the first of its kind to be established in 2004 and work directly with the Ambulance Service in providing treatment to patients before an ambulance is able to attend.

Volunteers are equipped with defibrillators and have had training from the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust in lifesaving techniques including resuscitation and administrating oxygen.

Judith Smith is one of the few original members remaining in the Usk group.

Unfortunately the First Responders' are having to cover more hours than they can really manage at the moment due to a shortage of local volunteers.

"We don't want to give up because we feel we do provide a service of benefit to the community, but the shortage of volunteers does restrict the number of calls we receive" Judith said.

The minimum that each volunteer would be expected to be available for is four hours per week because of the hours that the First Responders' are required to be on call.

The group are especially trying to attract more male volunteers.

Anybody interested can contact Tony Rossetti, the Ambulance Service's First Responder officer for South East Wales on 02920 932917.