Pupils from a Gwent school joined forces with Royal Mail to highlight the plight of ten scarce and threatened UK insects struggling for survival in a changing world.

Youngsters from Llanfoist Primary School, Abergavenny, helped launch Royal Mail's set of ten 1st Class stamps, Insects, issued yesterday (April 15) by using an art lesson to draw the images on the stamps.

Teacher, Miss Louise Gwillym, said the Year 5 and Year 6 pupils were eager to help launch the stamps.

"They are all well aware of the environment and feel strongly about protecting it. These stamps will help highlight the plight of endangered species, especially the smallest like these insects," she said.

The stamp images were photographed at the Natural History Museum from its own collection of 28 million insect specimens and the set is the second in Royal Mail's 'Action for Species' series, which highlights UK endangered species that are benefitting from action plans to conserve them.

The stamps feature an Adonis Blue butterfly, a southern damselfly, a red-barbed ant, a Barberry carpet moth, a stag beetle, hazel pot beetle, field cicket, silver-spotted skipper butterfly, Purbeck Mason wasp and a Noble chafer green beetle.