PERSONALISED number plates have been a thing for as long as regular number plates have been around.

In fact, the first ever number plate issued in the UK way back in 1903 was personalised - though this was not on purpose.

Nowadays things are a bit different and there is a process to getting a personalised number plate, though there are limits to what one can request.

The DVLA ban number plates that “may cause offence, embarrassment, or are in poor taste” - which means there are quite a few banned each year.

This year more than 300 plates have been banned.

Excluding some of the most offensive plates that have been banned (this is a family paper after all), here are some of the strangest banned number plates in 2022.

Banned 22 number plates

  • GO22 HLL - A few variations on this one, not the nicest thing to display for other road users.
  • MU22 GDD - One of a few plates linked to crime, it's a litttle unclear as to how this could cause any offence other than not being funny.
  • CR22 SST - A lesson here in blasphemy.
  • CO22 RNA - We could all probably do with a break from unneccesary reminders about the pandemic.
  • PE22 VRT - Excuse me?! Also see PE22 RVT.
  • SU22 CDE - Just incredibly poor taste.
  • UK22 BAD - Is this a protest plate? Regardless, anyone planning on getting this will have to think again.
  • BO22 OCX - Ah the classics never get old, bonus points for having an 'X' in there.
  • BA22 ARD - Did Sean Bean request this one?
  • TE22 ROR - Anyone who wanted this is obviously very, very tough and scary with no insecurities at all.
  • MA22 TYR - Might not be the best plan for any aspiring martyr to plaster it to their vehicle.
  • GO22 WAR - I don't think anyone is going to be enlisting on the basis of a number plate
  • GB22 KKK - Absolutely not, banning this one unfortunately makes it slightly harder to spot the white supremecists on the road - though the hood could be a give away.

There are of course hundreds more banned number plates but we decided to omit the obviously bigoted or explicit plates - you can probably figure out what the rest say.

However if you want to satisfy your curiosity, then visit the National Numbers website here.