A POPULAR pub near Blackwood was forced to close after a freak hailstorm left it flooded and without heating and hot water.

The Bird in Hand in Pontllanfraith was hit by the storm yesterday, Tuesday.

According to eyewitnesses, the large hail stones quickly began to stack up outside the building, creating a barricade that made it impossible for the owners to open the front door.

The hail continued to fall, which resulted in the pub becoming flooded.

The owners were forced to close the premises and it remains closed today.

The pub's management said the venue would have to remain closed "whilst we assess the situation and try make it as safe as possible".

"At the moment we are without hot water, heating, fridges and much needed cellar equipment as all have been damaged," they said.

"This is alongside all our flooring and furniture."

However, local patrons and staff were quick to leap into action to come to the assistance of owners Sally and Martyn Everson.

On social media, the pair praised those who had helped.

"Huge thank you to Scott from Grime To Shine Roofing and Cleaning, who jumped right in to save the day and spent hours helping us with his equipment," they said.

"Adrian from Blackwood Rugby Football Club who brought us a wet and dry and leant us a hand.

"To everyone who brought us towels down we are so grateful.

"Our amazing bartender Neil and his family, our family and friends who dropped everything and rushed down.

"We truly feel so supported and loved by our community."