RESIDENTS of Pontllanfraith and the surrounding areas want to know when their local leisure centre will reopen.

Earlier this year, Aneurin Bevan University Health Board (ABUHB) said the leisure centre would remain as a vaccination hub until the end of June.

Now, the council has said it is “liaising” with the health board to discuss whether the vaccination programme will be extended – meaning the sports hall would still be out of use for residents.

Campaigner Kate Alderson said: “We have been told nothing, we just want to know when it’s going to be fully open inside and outside.”

Ms Alderson said she and other residents have to go outside of the borough for leisure and sports facilities.

South Wales Argus: Dean Jones, Steve Speirs, Samantha Spragg. Credit: Kate Alderson

Dean Jones, Steve Speirs, Samantha Spragg. Credit: Kate Alderson 

Campaigners had previously ‘saved’ the leisure centre from closure back in 2019. Over the past few weeks, campaigners resurrected the “Save our Leisure Centres” banner after talk it was under threat again.

Campaigners and sports teams have been pictured with the banner, in addition to actor Steve Speirs, famed for his roles in The Tuckers and Stella.

Labour councillor Shane Williams, who has also been a campaigner since 2019, said: “There’s a demand, people want it back and reopened as a fully functioning leisure centre as soon as possible.

“None of us can understand why the vaccination centre is still used when you can go to the doctors for one.”

A health board spokesperson said: “We are currently delivering our spring booster campaign from Pontllanfraith Leisure Centre. We will continue to need access to a suitable venue to offer vaccinations to the local community and are in discussions with the Caerphilly County Borough Council on the use of the centre beyond June 2023.”

Cllr Williams, who represents Cefn Fforest and Pengam, said if campaigners hadn’t saved the leisure centre four years ago, it wouldn’t have been available for use during the pandemic.

He added that Pontllanfraith leisure centre had been used to support planning applications for surrounding housing developments, to show the suitability of the area.

Independent councillor for Blackwood, Andrew Farina-Childs, said the leisure centre should be reopened for the “health and wellbeing benefit to residents”.

He added: “I would like to see more provision like this, not less, so I do hope it stays.”

Independent group leader Kevin Etheridge contacted the council to “ask for the facts” on Pontllanfraith Leisure Centre’s future.  He was told it would be considered at the appropriate time.

Cllr Chris Morgan, cabinet member for leisure, said: “The decision making process will include wide ranging public consultation and engagement before any decision is made.”

He added: “We have relocated services that were offered from the building prior to the Covid pandemic to allow the building to be utilised as a vaccination centre. Leisure services have continued to operate over this time, albeit at different locations and the 3G pitch has remained in operation at the site.

“We remain committed to supporting our health colleagues with the delivery of the vaccination programme and associated services they continue to offer from the building. Upon conclusion of this essential health programme, the future of the facility will be formally considered.”

Meanwhile, Cllr Morgan said the future of Cefn Fforest Leisure Centre, which concerns have also been raised over, is not currently being considered, but the council will be reviewing all its leisure facilities soon.

The council said it owns and operates more leisure centres than any other in Wales.

Plans for a new centre for vulnerable learners to be built next to the leisure centre have been approved. The application states the new facilities are not a “replacement”, but rather “additional”.