A PETITION to “rescind and remove” the 20mph legislation in Wales has picked up more than 60,000 signatures – six times the number needed to be considered for debate in the Senedd.

The debate, launched by Mark Baker, calls for the Welsh Government to reverse the move to a 20mph default speed limit on restricted roads.

“The Welsh Government has FAILED to produce ANY convincing evidence to support these claims of safety. This law is being spearheaded by the WG Climate Change department and NOT Health & Safety,” Mr Baker wrote.

“Welsh Government claim to have supporting evidence stating that reducing to 20mph EVERYWHERE saves lives! Yet we get flyers merely claiming that it will, and opinions from doctors that see RTCs coming into A&E. This is NOT evidence.”

Despite the claims of the petition maker, councils have been able to list exemptions from 20mph.

Nearly 1,000 of the first 60,000 signatures come from outside of Wales – including four from the Falkland Islands, five from the Isle of Man and 919 from England.

Nonetheless, the petition has drawn strong support from across Wales. More than 1 in 33 constituents in Alyn and Deeside have signed.

Together, Newport East and Newport West accounted for 3,574 of the first 60,021 signatures.

Petitions have six months to reach 10,000 signatures in order for the Petitions Committee to consider the item for debate in the Senedd.