Quitting smoking can be one of the hardest things to do, so we asked our readers to share their top tips for giving up the cigarettes.

South Wales Argus readers responded heartily to our Facebook query, offering a wealth of advice on battling the addiction.

Keith Pritchard said: "Cut down first. E.G. no smoking before lunch and so on."

Milan Kotrba enlightened us with his experience: "I was smoking for 11 years.

"One day I woke up and told myself I will stop.

"And I did.

"First couple days are rough but once you make it to day 4 you are laughing."

Andrew Stephens gave an unconventional tip, saying: "Keep a packet at home.

"That way you won't panic and run for the shop.

"Worked for my mum."

Denise Morris agreed, revealing "that's exactly what I did 25 years ago kept the same packet for a year!

"They were rank."

In her detailed advice involving patches, reward system and no vape, Abbie Pond reminded us, "You have to do it when YOU are ready, not when people tell you to."

Meanwhile, Amy Baldwin touted the support of Non Smoking Wales and the use of mints.

Sophie Louise Potter warned that vapes - which many people transfer to when attempting to quit - can be even harder to quit, while Christine Morgan advised: "I just stopped smoking.

"It was ridiculously hard but I kept thinking if I light one up last two days without were for nothing."

For those contemplating quitting, Vanessa Jones suggested, "I never gave up but said I'd never buy any more which amounted to the same thing but didn't feel so final as it left the door open to accept one from someone else."

Kat Williams also emphasized the mental strength needed, asserting, "Unless you really want to, nothing will work.

"Change your mindset to change your habits."

As Joanne Ellis put it: "The next step is to figure out the mind, it's very powerful with words and emotions.

"Once you understand it and want to give up, you are 50 per cent there."

A number of people said Alan Carr's book helped them, and Kai Stefan provided an unusual way to help: "Might sound bad but it works. Put a used/new filter tip in the end of a straw and take a drag. Helps with mental cravings."

Everyone agreed though: only when you are ready will you truly succeed in dropping the habit.